About Me

Welcome, dear friend, to my blog. I am Edie, of Violet Fox Jewelry, a fantastic edifice of diamond marble and fairy lights in which my trusty band of artisans create – no, it’s a desk turned worktable in Manhattan’s East Village, where construction and sirens and a large unstable air conditioning unit blast a comforting rendition of Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music into my little room. Here, snipped off pieces of wire scutter across the floor and a lithe figure in ratty black dropwaist dresses crouches close to a green-shaded reading lamp and fingers beads. Usually I am quite alone, except for the pigeons burbling amorously to each other on the fire escape, but YOU are welcome here. The only other seat is the bed, but it’s quite comfortable – stretch out. Wine is on the bookshelf. If you talk I will listen, but if you quietly watch me working for a while, I will begin to chatter to you.


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