Featured Amulets for Ostara (Spring Equinox)

It’s spring in the Northern Hemisphere and great surges of joyful, creative solar energy manifest as new life, rapid growth, and optimism. I suggest that the following amulets have particular connections to the energy of spring (a few may be familiar as they are Solar amulets created at the Winter Solstice and waxing in accumulated energy throughout the rising year).

1. Domestic Bliss Amulet


Featuring rose quartz for the heart and calming white howlite for healing and inner peace, the Domestic Bliss Amulet is a charm for hearth, home, and harmony. Perfect for spring cleaning, creativity, and strengthening our connection to others. Read more here.

2. Balance of Forces Amulet

Wise, cooling, truthful lapis lazuli balances soothing and peaceful howlite across a base of power-grounding black jasper to convert inner stress and outer chaos into reserves of strength, health, and self-expression. The spring equinox is a time of balance between solar and lunar, masculine and feminine, and day and night forces. More about this amulet here. 

3. Light of Life Amulet

Created on the Winter Solstice and intended to grow in power with the waxing sun, this combination of heartfelt green aventurine and yellow solar citrine evokes growth and vitality - the joy, spark, and energy of life. Perfect for energizing, purifying and enjoying life to the fullest! More about the Light of Life Amulet here.

All amulets here! 


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