Today's Crystal: Ruby in Zoisite

Everyone is familiar with ruby, but ruby in zoisite is a common combination crystal that is little known. Crystals of red ruby and green zoisite naturally form together, resulting in a beautiful flecked or mottled stone. The ruby crystals are not clear as in fine ruby. More facts about ruby in zoisite:

Above: Irregular beads of ruby in zoisite.

Ruby is the Jyotish gemstone associated with Surya, the sun, who is king and ruler of the planets, as well as doctor to them. Ruby is hot, associated with fire, power, energy, authority, destruction (including the burning out of illness or evil), appetite, and the fires of love. 

The lesser-known zoisite, in contrast, is a dark green crystal and so associated with the heart chakra. It has a calming, thoughtful  yin energy that elegantly balances the flame of the ruby. They can be seen as either masculine (ruby) and feminine (zoisite), or as the heart’s love (ruby) and the soul’s wisdom (zoisite). In fact ruby in zoisite is a symbol both of sacred marriage and of the inner balance required for spiritual development.

Balance is the most important factor for improvement in any area, so it is not surprising that ruby in zoisite is a wonderful healing stone, both awakening strength and vitality, and soothing and regulating wayward bodily functions. Unlike many simpler crystals it is highly intelligent, and can be placed on higher chakras for complex development, as well as on lower chakras for energy and balance. 

It is excellent for enterprise and projects, balancing head and heart energies. 

Above: Water Garden Necklace - amulet for healing, clarity, and revitalization. The largest and roughest of the dark green stones are raw ruby in zoisite; amplified by the clear quartz, they largely power the amulet.

Ruby is associated with blood, spleen, and marrow, and ruby in zoisite can be called on to ease menstruation. This is partly a side effect of this crystal’s marvelously awake understanding of both male and female energies. By balancing sexuality and allowing an individual the full spectrum of energies from male to female, it improves sex, relationships, and mental and emotional as well as physical health.

This common and patchwork stone is powerful and extraordinary; hold and wear it as soon as possible to feel if it’s right for you!

Take time to browse all of my magic amulets at my Etsy shop (be sure to click for full descriptions for more crystal knowledge!).


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